1. Go to your TM1 Marketing dashboard and click “Pixels” on the left hand navigation menu. Click the “Add new pixel tracking” button and you should see a page that looks like the following


  2. Under “Page Type” make sure to check both “Confirmation Page - Primary” and “Confirmation Page - Resale”


  1. Under “Date Range” make sure to toggle on “No End Date”


  1. Select “Custom” as the Pixel Vendor


  1. For “Starting URL” reach out to your Laylo AM for the text to paste into that field


  1. Ensure that the following custom variables are filled out or your data will not be properly passed to Laylo.


Variable Name (Text input) Variable Value (TM1 Dropdown)
url Page URL
referrer Page Referrer
name Event Name
totalCost Face Value (Revenue without Fees)
currency Currency
externalId Event Id
creatorId Artist Id
creatorName Artist Name
  1. Click “Save Pixel Tracking”