Connect SET.Live with Laylo by plugging in your unique Laylo API key (Laylo Settings ➡️ Integrations) on SET.Live’s backend
<aside> 🔗 When this connection is complete, you’re giving SET.Live the ability to trigger messages to send from your Laylo phone number.
If “Backfill” is selected, all pre-existing (and any future) SET.Live contacts will be imported into Laylo, and will immediately be sent a welcome message from your Laylo number. This is required in order to message them legally in the future as they need to get the legal information and opt in confirmation
<aside> ⚠️ This welcome message is populated within your Laylo Profile’s RSVP Card, so make sure it’s perfect before you launch the integration!
If “Backfill” isn't selected, any future SET.Live opt-ins will be automatically synced with Laylo and will be sent a welcome message from your Laylo number immediately upon opt in
<aside> 🧾 NOTE: Welcome messages will not show in Laylo’s sent messages archive. Therefore, if the you’d like to review data/metrics around these messages, please ask your contact at SET.Live for it.